Advanced usage

The library “just works” with value types that:

  1. implement addition-like binary operation via Python magic-methods (__add__, __sub__, __sub__, __pos__)
  2. use 0 as the neutral element for their addition implementation
  3. implement __eq__ that allows testing for equality to zero
  4. do not implement inplace addition/subtraction (__iadd__, __isub__)

All Python’s numeric types (int, float, long, complex) fall into that category.

The first condition is a hard requirement for any type to be used for values, but the others are not. You can use another value as a neutral element by using the zero_factory parameter, you don’t have to worry about __eq__ if you supply zero_test and you can have __iadd__ and __isub__ if you use the method-based interface.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> def zero_factory():
...     return np.zeros(3)
>>> zero = zero_factory()
>>> def zero_test(v):
...     return np.array_equal(v, zero)
>>> import slice_aggregator
>>> a = slice_aggregator.ixs_by_slices(zero_factory=zero_factory, zero_test=zero_test)
>>>, np.array([1, 0, 3.5]))
>>> a.dec(10, np.array([2.5, -1, 0]))
>>> tuple(a.get(-10, None))  # a[-10:]
(-1.5, 1.0, 3.5)